Isopropyl Alcohol Price Trend and Forecast

Isopropyl Alcohol Regional Price Overview

Get the latest insights on price movement and trend analysis of Isopropyl Alcohol in different regions across the world (Asia, Europe, North America, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa).


Isopropyl Alcohol Price Trend for the Q2 of 2024


In Q2 2024, the isopropyl alcohol market in China experienced fluctuating price trends influenced by various factors. Initially, the market saw an upward movement driven by increased costs of upstream raw materials like acetone and propylene, bolstered by improved market confidence and heightened demand. However, as the quarter progressed, the price trends began to reflect the volatility of raw material costs and fluctuating downstream demand. By mid-Q2, a decline in raw material prices, particularly acetone, coupled with cautious purchasing behavior from downstream buyers, led to a decrease in isopropyl alcohol prices.

Isopropyl Alcohol Price Chart

Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) Price Trends

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Despite this, the latter part of the quarter witnessed a slight recovery in prices due to renewed inquiries and stronger cost support from the rising prices of acetone and propylene, even though the overall market sentiment remained cautious. The market's fluctuations were marked by periods of both increase and decrease, reflecting the complex interplay of supply chain dynamics, raw material availability, and downstream market behavior.


The European isopropyl alcohol market mirrored the sentiments of its feedstock commodities throughout the second quarter of 2024. The prices of the commodity fluctuated amid skeptical recovery of downstream chemical industries and reduced offtakes of Asian players. The depreciation of export rates came from increasing freight charges and delayed shipment arrivals. The propene market also offered only limited support to the isopropyl alcohol market momentum, further depreciating the pricing trajectory of isopropyl alcohol throughout the second quarter of 2024.

North America

The isopropyl alcohol market in the US witnessed a notable price downturn after a period of escalating costs. The price decline, although it began in June, was driven by decreased demand from downstream derivatives and industries, coupled with ample supply from manufacturers and stabilized feedstock availability. The initial stabilization was supported by the restart of a major derivative unit and the resolution of production issues at crackers.

Despite the ongoing challenges, such as offshore attacks causing transportation delays and increased costs, the anticipation of reduced seasonal demand and higher production led traders to reduce their stockpiles. This combination of factors resulted in a steady decrease in isopropyl alcohol prices. However, the market participants remain cautiously optimistic that this trend may offer sustained relief, potentially boosting business operations and profitability as industries recover from pandemic-related economic challenges and global supply chain disruptions.

Analyst Insight

According to Procurement Resource, the price of Isopropyl Alcohol is estimated to stabilize driven by the balanced interaction between raw material cost support and moderate downstream demand.

Isopropyl Alcohol Price Trend for the Q1 of 2024

Product Category Region Price Time Period
Isopropyl Alcohol Chemicals USA USD 1600/MT March 2024

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Isopropyl alcohol prices in the Asia Pacific region surged rapidly in the second half of the first quarter, attributed to disruptions caused by the Chinese Lunar New Year holidays and the onset of Spring festivities in China. The shutdowns in Chinese factories during this time led to temporary production halts, compounded by post-holiday labor shortages.

The transportation delays and increased freight costs further impeded isopropyl alcohol movement, affecting both raw material deliveries and end-product exports. Additionally, the rapid depletion of existing isopropyl alcohol inventories exacerbates supply constraints amid demand fluctuations in sectors like healthcare and cleaning.

The rising raw material costs, particularly propylene, further contributed to the price surge as it supported the market right from the onset of the first quarter. However, trade disputes and the diversion of strategic trade routes had a negative impact on the isopropyl alcohol market and restricted its upward movement.


During the first quarter of 2024, the European isopropyl alcohol market saw a persistent uptrend driven by supply chain disruptions and limited availability. Factors such as the force majeure at the Moerdijk PGP production facility in the Netherlands and a maintenance shutdown at Total Petrochemicals in France contributed to the tight supply flow of the chemical and limited its availability at end ports.

The logistics challenges further intensified with train driver strikes in Germany and ongoing attacks by Houthi rebels in the Red Sea, affecting maritime shipments from Asia and exerting upward pressure on the pricing patterns of isopropyl alcohol. The limited supply and logistical bottlenecks thus created a bullish market trend, driving fierce competition among buyers and soaring isopropyl alcohol prices.

North America

In the initial phase of the first quarter, the isopropyl alcohol prices in North America witnessed a substantial decrease alongside an increase in inventories across the region. This trend reflected a dynamic market influenced by factors affecting external supplies and consumption patterns.

The external deliveries of isopropyl alcohol to various regions were reported as sufficient, driven by reduced demand from downstream sectors like pharmaceuticals and disinfectants. Despite moderate consumption levels, robust supply ensured market stability but only raised the stockpiles in the initial months.

The fluctuations in raw material costs, particularly propylene, however, uplifted the isopropyl alcohol pricing dynamics, with manufacturers initially absorbing increased costs. The oversupply situation intensified competition among suppliers and enhanced production efficiency, contributing to price reductions. On the other hand, as the quarter progressed towards its termination, the outlook of the market started to change with a slow but gradual improvement in the market drivers of isopropyl alcohol.

Analyst Insight

According to Procurement Resource, the price trend of Isopropyl Alcohol is expected to face certain challenges, such as trade disruption, uneven pricing patterns of feedstock chemicals, and a rise in crude oil prices in the next quarters of 2024.

Isopropyl Alcohol Price Trend for the October - December of 2023

Product Category Region Price Time Period
Isopropyl Alcohol Chemicals India 1527 USD/MT October’23
Isopropyl Alcohol Chemicals India 1256 USD/MT December’23

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The momentum in isopropyl alcohol price trend, which was seen in the third quarter of 2023, could not be transferred to the last quarter. In India, the isopropyl alcohol spot prices had a steep fall from approximately 1527 USD/MT in October’23 to 1256 USD/MT in December’23. A similar trajectory was observed in China, too.

This sudden decline in the market dynamics of isopropyl alcohol was attributed to weak trading activities as the demand for isopropyl alcohol slid by significant numbers in both domestic and overseas markets. There was no sign of relief from the raw materials and financial sector of the region either, and thus, the isopropyl alcohol prices had no choice but to decline.


The traders of isopropyl alcohol in European countries enjoyed the opposite trend registered in its prices as compared to the rest of the world. The market activities worked in favor of isopropyl alcohol prices during the last quarter of 2023.

The inventories of isopropyl alcohol quickly dried up due to disruptions in the Red Sea route on account of the Israel-Hamas crisis and additional sanctions on Russian imports. On the contrary, the demand for isopropyl alcohol increased by several folds while the limited availability of raw materials raised the cost of production and, in turn, the trajectory of isopropyl alcohol price trend.

North America

Relative to the rest of the world, the isopropyl alcohol prices in the US remained stagnant for most of the part of the fourth quarter. The overall outlook for the isopropyl alcohol market showed significant improvement as compared to the previous quarter. The rates of procurement from the downstream industries equalized the production by the manufacturing sector. Additionally, there was no sudden fall or uprise in the cost of raw materials. The pharmaceutical, solvents, and other end-user industries themselves registered a fruitful quarter, which was also evident in the isopropyl alcohol price trend.

Analyst Insight

According to Procurement Resource, the price trend of Isopropyl Alcohol are expected to register regional imbalances as the market dynamics are dependent on the industrial outlook and export-import balance of the nations.

Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) Price Trend for the July - September of 2023

Product Category Region Price Time Period
Isopropyl Alcohol Chemicals India 1008 USD/MT July 2023
Isopropyl Alcohol Chemicals India 1555 USD/MT September 2023
Isopropyl Alcohol Chemicals China 995 USD/MT July 2023
Isopropyl Alcohol Chemicals China 1075 USD/MT September 2023

Stay updated with the latest Isopropyl Alcohol prices, historical data, and tailored regional analysis


The Asian isopropyl alcohol market experienced upward-wavering price trend during the said period. The pharma and personal care sectors posed consistent demands, assisting the Chinese isopropyl alcohol market to grow by approximately 8% within the said quarter of 2023. The monthly average spot prices in the Chinese domestic market varied from about 995 USD/MT in July to around 1075 USD/MT in September. Though the inclination was not very steadfast, the overall market sentiments were largely positive.

In a similar manner, the Indian isopropyl alcohol market also registered positive growth. The first half of the quarter was still stable; however, the latter half witnessed a steep inclination. The average monthly spot prices rose from around 1008 USD/MT in July 2023 to about 1555 USD/MT in September 2023. The general market outlook for isopropyl alcohol remained supportive throughout the discussed period.


Contrary to its Asian counterpart, the isopropyl alcohol market in Europe behaved in a regressive manner. The prices fell prey to tepid demands from the downstream chemical and food industries. A swift slide in the upstream costs with normalization in the freight situation made offshore procurement cheaper. Overall, receding numbers were registered in the isopropyl alcohol price graph.

North America

The North American isopropyl alcohol market experienced short-range variations in the quarterly isopropyl alcohol price graph. At large, the price trend tilted downwards; however, cautious procurement by suppliers at the beginning helped manage the upstream cost pressure. Overall, mixed market sentiments were observed.

Analyst Insight

According to Procurement Resource, the price trend for Isopropyl Alcohol are likely to continue fluctuating going forward as the current uncertainties in the global economy will continue to drive the market demands.

Isopropyl Alcohol Price Trend for the First Half of 2023


The price trend for isopropyl alcohol remained weak and fluctuated in the first half of 2023. During the initial months, the prices kept low, continuing with the trend seen in Q4’22. However, with the Lunar New Year holidays approaching, the buyers actively hoarded the products, causing the demand and prices to rise simultaneously. These inclined trend continued till mid-Q4; after that, the isopropyl alcohol prices declined.

The reopening of China after the covid shutdowns was rather unpleasant, and the market remained stagnant. The manufacturing sectors started churning products at much faster rates, destabilizing the overall dynamics and causing the prices to crash. The spot prices of Isopropyl alcohol averaged around 1205 USD/MT in the Chinese market. A similar trend was absorbed in the Indian domestic market, where the overall prices seemed flat, averaging 1095 USD/MT in June’23, given the stagnant offtakes in the market.


In the European region, the price trend for isopropyl alcohol declined in the first half of 2023 due to the weak demand from the downstream end-user sectors. The European traders actively imported products from the Chinese markets in late 2022 in hopes of making huge profits. However, the demand subsided in the domestic market, causing the available products to saturate. As the trade normalized, China dumped its cheap imports in the European market, negatively affecting the price trend.

North America

The isopropyl alcohol market in North America mirrored the trend observed in the Asia-Pacific and Europe. The North American region witnessed a price decline as the domestic demand for the commodity plunged and the product’s stockpiles inclined. The trade activities were weak due to port congestions and supply disruptions. However, the prices inclined slightly in February and, from there, remained almost stagnant.

Analyst Insight

According to Procurement Resource, the price trend for Isopropyl alcohol are estimated to oscillate in the upcoming quarter. The weakened demand combined with overcapacity across a broad swathe of products will continue to affect the chemical industry.

Isopropyl Alcohol Price Trend for the Second Half of 2022


The market for isopropyl alcohol declined in the last two quarters of 2022 as the demand sector remained weak. The prices of isopropyl alcohol also suffered from disrupted trading activities and poor performance of end-user pharmaceuticals, personal care, and propylene sectors. The low inquiries also supported the price dip, halt in manufacturing processes, and surging inflation rates.


The price trend for isopropyl alcohol surged in the later months of the third quarter as it gained support from the increasing level of demand and inquiries from the consumer sector. The fourth quarter was, however, not favorable in terms of the prices as the demand slipped and the domestic market performed poorly. The isopropyl alcohol sector moved gradually towards the end of Q4 due to a momentary incline in the feedstock propylene prices and increased offtakes from the pharmaceutical, coatings, and chemical sectors.

North America

The mixed trend in the propylene market affected the prices of isopropyl alcohol in the North American region. The supply in the region remained strong amid the gradual low demand from the end-user sectors. This led to a rise in inventory levels, and thus, the manufacturers halted production to stabilize the supply-demand fundamentals.

Analyst Insight

According to Procurement Resource, the price trend for Isopropyl alcohol are estimated to decline in the upcoming quarter. The global prices of the commodity will be majorly affected by the weak terminal downstream demand amid saturated markets and rising inflation.

Isopropyl Alcohol Price Trend For the First Half of 2022


The prices of isopropyl alcohol surged throughout the Asia-Pacific region, given the limited stocks amid covid related delays. The prices averaged 1295 USD/MT during the first quarter. With industries temporarily halting production along with port congestions and raised feedstock quotations, isopropyl alcohol prices soared. However, these soaring prices impacted consumer demand affecting the market’s buying potential, thereby crashing the prices.


The first half of Q1 witnessed a marginal rise in prices owing to high inventory levels and bearish demand. However, the prices surged toward the end of Q1 because of the economic backlash unleashed by the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The robust demand from the paints and coatings sectors further supported the high prices averaging 1535 USD/MT.

These higher prices negatively impacted consumer demand leading to the phenomenon of demand destruction. However, towards the end of Q2, the prices again registered an upward peak as the upward cost pressure relaxed and the demand rebounded.

North America

The solid demand from the pharmaceutical and personal care industries supported the high prices of isopropyl alcohol, averaging 1662 USD/MT FOB Texas. The inflated freight charges, supply shocks, and labour shortages supported the raised prices. These high prices amid the speculations of a global recession triggered cautious buying activity in the market, reducing the offtakes and crashing the prices.

Analyst Insight

According to Procurement Resource, the price trend for isopropyl alcohol will further crash in the upcoming months. The lacklustre demand from the downstream sectors coupled with the easing upstream cost pressure led to stockpiling of products in the market, thereby supporting the lowered prices.

Isopropyl Alcohol Price Trend For the Year of 2020

Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) is a primary ingredient in rubbing alcohol and other common household products like cleansers, disinfectants, and hand sanitizers. The price of IPA normally remains in the range of 1000-1120 USD/MT. However, as the pandemic peaked in 2020, isopropyl alcohol prices rose to 1780 USD/MT.

IPA is used by the pharmaceutical industry. Alcohol swabs and wipes with a 70% concentration of IPA are used to clean wounds. It  is also present in several oral mouthwash solutions.

Asia Pacific is one of the fastest-growing markets for this chemical, with China leading the way. Because it is commonly available in the region, it is acquired in bulk at a reasonable price. Furthermore, the growing cosmetics and personal care business, rapid economic expansion, and rising income levels have all contributed to an increase in demand for IPA-based goods.

Procurement Resource provides latest prices of Isopropyl Alcohol. Each price database is tied to a user-friendly graphing tool dating back to 2014, which provides a range of functionalities: configuration of price series over user defined time period; comparison of product movements across countries; customisation of price currencies and unit; extraction of price data as excel files to be used offline.

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About Isopropyl Alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol appears to be a colourless, flammable chemical molecule with a pungent odour. The most basic sort of secondary alcohol is one in which the alcohol carbon atom is connected to two additional carbon atoms. It is both a structural isomer of 1-propanol and a structural isomer of ethyl methyl ether. It is a frequent constituent in chemical compounds such as antiseptics, disinfectants, and detergents, and is utilised in the creation of a wide range of industrial and domestic chemicals.

Isopropyl Alcohol Product Details

Report Features Details
Product Name Isopropyl Alcohol
Industrial Uses Cosmetic and Personal care, Pharmaceutical, Food and Beverage, Paints and Coatings, Chemical
Chemical Formula C3H8O
Synonyms 2-Propanol, Isopropanol, Isopropyl Alcohol, Rubbing Alcohol
Molecular Weight 60.1 g/mol
Supplier Database The Dow Chemical Company, Exxon Mobil, Shell Chemicals Europe B.V., INEOS Enterprises Group Limited, Super Chemical Technology Co. Ltd
Region/Countries Covered Asia Pacific: China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Iran, Thailand, South Korea, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Nepal, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, UAE, Israel, Hongkong, Singapore, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Australia, and New Zealand

Europe: Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy,  Spain, Russia, Turkey, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Ireland Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Romania, Finland, Czech Republic, Portugal and Greece

North America: United States and Canada

Latin America: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru

Africa: South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco
Currency US$ (Data can also be provided in local currency)
Supplier Database Availability Yes
Customization Scope The report can be customized as per the requirements of  the customer
Post-Sale Analyst Support 360-degree analyst support after report delivery

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Isopropyl Alcohol Production Processes

  • Production of Isopropyl Alcohol from Propene

Isopropyl alcohol is made from high-quality (or polymer-grade) propene. Direct hydration of gaseous propene with water in the presence of acidic catalysts is used to produce this product, which is very popular in the United States. As a by-product, propyl alcohol is obtained in relatively small amounts.


The displayed pricing data is derived through weighted average purchase price, including contract and spot transactions at the specified locations unless otherwise stated. The information provided comes from the compilation and processing of commercial data officially reported for each nation (i.e. government agencies, external trade bodies, and industry publications).

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