Vinyl Acetate Price Trend and Forecast

Vinyl Acetate Regional Price Overview

Get comprehensive insights into the Vinyl Acetate market, with a focused analysis of the Vinyl Acetate price trend across Asia, Europe, North America, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.


Vinyl Acetate Price Trend for the Q1 of 2024

Product Category Region Price Time Period
Vinyl Acetate Chemicals USA 1144 USD/MT January 2024
Vinyl Acetate Chemicals USA 1208 USD/MT March 2024
Vinyl Acetate Chemicals China 910 USD/MT January 2024
Vinyl Acetate Chemicals China 930 USD/MT March 2024
Vinyl Acetate Chemicals Europe 970 USD/MT January 2024
Vinyl Acetate Chemicals Europe 1023 USD/MT March 2024

Stay updated with the latest Vinyl Acetate prices, historical data, and tailored regional analysis


Vinyl acetate prices were observed to be oscillating throughout the said period of Q1’24. Vinyl acetate is an important feedstock in the plastic and polymer industry. Primarily used to make PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), which is capaciously consumed in the construction and sanitation industries. So, the consumption from these downstream consumer industries influences the market behavior a lot for vinyl acetate. In the Chinese markets, the real estate industry has been shrinking and suffering economically for a long time now. Especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the growth trajectory has been particularly slow.

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Vinyl Acetate Price Trends and Forecast

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So, the market dwindled slightly during this time because of humble consumption. However, the steady incline in the upstream manufacturing and processing costs kept the market hinged. Because of the steep incline in the crude oil prices, the vinyl acetate prices inched higher in the Chinese market. The monthly average prices went from about 910 USD/MT (CFR) in January’24 to around 930 USD/MT in March’24. This imparted a 2% growth to the Chinese vinyl acetate price trajectory.


The European vinyl acetate market reflected the price variations in the Chinese market. The prices kept inching higher despite very modest downstream demands. Monthly average spot prices in the European market went from about 970 USD/MT in January’24 to around 1023 USD/MT in March’24. This pushed the European market up by approximately 5% within the said quarter.

Inflation in the region because of a dramatic rise in energy and manufacturing costs also resulted in these price patterns. Amidst ongoing chaos in the global political and economic realms, the manufacturers’ sentiments were further trampled. Overall, an above-average price-performance was experienced in Q1’24.

North America

Following its Asian and European counterparts, the American vinyl acetate market also acquired a northward trajectory during the first three months of 2024. Amidst regular consumer demands and rising manufacturing costs, the prices inched higher over this period of three months. The spot prices averaged around 1144 USD/MT (FOB) in January and went up to about 1208 USD/MT by March’24. This gave the American vinyl acetate market an approximate incline of about 5%. Overall, positive market sentiments were witnessed.

Analyst Insight

According to Procurement Resource, the Vinyl Acetate price trends are expected to waver in the upcoming months, given the current market dynamics and other macroeconomic factors.

Vinyl Acetate Price Trend for the October - December of 2023

Commodity Sector Region Price Time Period
Vinyl Acetate Chemical USA 1145 USD/MT Jan-2024
Vinyl Acetate Chemical USA 1147 USD/MT Dec-2023
Vinyl Acetate Chemical USA 1005 USD/MT October’23
Vinyl Acetate Chemical Europe 1002 USD/MT Dec-2023
Vinyl Acetate Chemical Europe 995 USD/(FD) October’23
Vinyl Acetate Chemical China 896 USD/MT Dec-2023
Vinyl Acetate Chemical China 999 USD/MT October’23

Stay updated with the latest Vinyl Acetate prices, historical data, and tailored regional analysis


Vinyl Acetate is an important chemical compound, especially for the polymer industry, as it is used as a raw material for a variety of important polymers like PVAs (Poly Vinyl Acetates) and Ethyl Vinyl Acetate copolymers. So, continuous offtakes from these consuming industries determine the vinyl acetate market trends to a large extent. The feedstock materials acetic acid and ethylene also influence the vinyl acetate market along with the downstream demands.

During the final quarter of the year 2023, the prices were observed to be sliding softly in the Asian market. This was primarily because of the decline in orders from the international markets. The Chinese vinyl acetate market saw its average monthly prices going from about 999 USD/MT (CFR, China) in October’23 to about 896 USD/MT in December’23, registering an overall decline of 10% (approx..).


The European market trends for vinyl acetate were mixed throughout the fourth quarter of the year 2023. However, even though the prices varied, the fluctuations were very short-ranged. These narrow-range fluctuations indicated the borderline stability in the vinyl acetate market. The monthly average prices first fell marginally in the first half of the quarter and then stood up again in the latter half of the quarter. The overall shift in prices went from around 995 USD/(FD) in October’23 to around 1002 USD/MT in December’23.

North America

The North American vinyl acetate market mimicked the European market trends during the given period of Q4’23. The prices showed an overall incline in the fourth quarter. The monthly average prices in the US market went from around 1005 USD/MT in October’2023 to about 1147 USD/MT in December’23 2023. These variations in the vinyl acetate price graph were mostly dictated by the market demands in the domestic market. Given the current market dynamics, vinyl acetate prices are expected to average around 1145 USD/MT in January’24.

Analyst Insight

According to Procurement Resource, the price trends of Vinyl Acetate are likely to remain oscillating in the coming months given the market demands and other global macroeconomic indicators.

Vinyl Acetate Price Trend for the July - September of 2023


The vinyl acetate experienced an improvement in its prices throughout the third quarter of 2023. The initial support to the vinyl acetate market was provided by the advancement in the automotive industries.

The wave of positive trend further brought by the renewable energy sector also helped in the rise in the vinyl acetate price trend. In addition to this improvement in the procurement rates and the adverse weather conditions disrupting the supply chains and reducing the availability of the product in the region supported the forward movement of vinyl acetate price trend.


The European countries, as opposed to Asia, took a bearish turn as the supply chains worked much more efficiently as compared to the downstream industries. The demand for vinyl acetate was only stabilized by automotive industries, but excessive pressure from the rising rates of inflation and hikes in production and maintenance costs raised the concerns of manufacturers and traders. The construction industries and cost of feedstock prices took a downward turn during this phase, pushing the vinyl acetate price trend in the negative direction.

North America

The vinyl acetate price trend continued on their bearish trajectory in the third quarter, too. Initially, the rising cost of feedstock materials was able to support the vinyl acetate market, but the influx of cheap imports from Asian countries forced the traders to lower their price quotations to keep the market sentiments afloat. Additionally, the rise in inventories and excessive supply also played a role in determining the direction of the vinyl acetate price graph. However, the end month inclination in the vinyl acetate prices was on account of rising demand from the automotive industries and renewable energy sector.

Analyst Insight

According to Procurement Resource, the price trend of  Vinyl Acetate are estimated to improve in the upcoming months as the relaxation in strict monetary policies adopted across the globe will give the traders and manufacturing sector some growth space.

Vinyl Acetate Price Trend for the First Half of 2023


In the first quarter of 2023, the prices of vinyl acetate followed an upward trajectory as the government eased covid related restrictions and the demand from downstream industries gained momentum. After the holiday season in China, the manufacturers increased their production rates as the traders looked towards restocking the product.

This rise was, however, limited to the first quarter only as the prices started falling in the second quarter. In China, the prices of vinyl acetate dipped from around 7500 RMB/MT in January to approximately 6300 RMB/MT, registering a dip of around 16%. The cause of this decline was the poor performance of the paint and coatings industries and the weak global import demand.


The price trend of vinyl acetate in the European region was similar to that in the Asia-Pacific market. The prices initially rose from the support of an increased number of inquiries and a low level of inventories with high consumption from the coating and paints industries. But the prices dipped in the latter half of the first quarter and throughout the second quarter. The fall in vinyl acetate prices was majorly attributed to the drop in feedstock acetic acid prices and decreased orders from the downstream industries.

North America

In North America, the vinyl acetate market fluctuated throughout the first and second quarters of 2023. The feeble demand from domestic and international markets was the major influence on the price trend for vinyl acetate. The increase in stockpiles and reduced purchasing activities from the paints, adhesives, and coatings industries further aided the fall in the prices and kept the trend in the bearish zone.

Analyst Insight

According to Procurement Resource, the price trend for Vinyl Acetate are estimated to depict a decline in the upcoming months. Since the demand sector and the buying potential of the market seems weak, the current market dynamics do not favor high vinyl acetate prices.

Vinyl Acetate Price Trend for the Second Half of 2022


The prices of vinyl acetate steeply declined in the third and fourth quarters of 2022. The weak movement of the market and low level of inquiries from downstream industries negatively impacted the vinyl acetate prices. In addition, the cost of the feedstock of acetic acid and the demand from the construction sector also declined. The benign recovery phase of the Chinese market from pandemic restrictions deeply affected the price trend of vinyl acetate, and thus, its prices fell in the Asia-Pacific region.


In Europe, the prices of vinyl acetate were majorly affected by the low interest of downstream industries as they reduced their number of inquiries and the slow consumption behavior of the buyers. The shadows of recession, rising inflation rates, and feeble support from the feedstock sector further aided the decline in prices. In the fourth quarter of 2022, labor strikes and disruption in the supply chain due to port congestion activities leading to a rise in product stockpiles resulted in the downfall of the vinyl acetate market.

North America

The market for vinyl acetate in North America was not much different from the European and Asian regions. The prices here also nosedived due to the weak demand and continuously falling prices of feedstock acetic acid. However, the paints, coatings, and adhesives sector showcased stable demand in the fourth quarter, but the construction sector, which is one of the significant market players of this product, kept stagnant. Furthermore, the demand from international buyers remained sluggish, causing the vinyl acetate market to follow a southward trajectory.

Analyst Insight

According to Procurement Resource, the price of Vinyl Acetate is estimated to depict a mixed trend in the upcoming months. The demand sector for vinyl acetate seems uncertain, and the rising inflation rates are expected to impact the market negatively.

Vinyl Acetate For the Second Quarter of 2022


The price trend for vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) kept strong during the said quarter. Despite the falling feedstock acetic acid prices, the prices of VAM surged, given the effective demand fundamentals. The demand from the downstream textile, paints and adhesives sector caused the VAM prices to incline and average 2300-2350 USD/MT. The prices in the Indian domestic market were lower compared to its Chinese counterpart owing to the reduced offtakes.


Given the economic backlash unleashed in the European region, prices of all the commodities soared drastically, giving rise to runaway inflation. The high feedstock methanol and acetic acid prices, along with lowered industrial production rates and poor logistics, contributed towards the upstream cost pressure. Equal support was provided to these inflated prices from the downstream sectors as the high demand helped offset the supply constraints, keeping the prices high, averaging 2750 USD/MT.

North America

The price of vinyl acetate monomer averaged 2600-2750 USD/MT in the US domestic market. The high prices were the direct consequence of robust downstream demand, efficient offtakes, and high feedstock prices.

Analyst Insight

According to Procurement Resource, the VAM prices are expected to register a downward pattern in the upcoming months. After reaching the current peaks, there is only a little room left for a marginal incline. Besides, given the grim economic scenario, the speculations of a global recession are causing baulking of buyers from their respective markets.

Vinyl Acetate For the First Quarter of 2022


In the first half of this quarter, vinyl acetate prices in China decreased, to 2291 USD/MT FOB Dalian in January 2022. Ethylene and acetic acid feedstock prices were also cut as a result of oversupply and declining demand in China's regional market. This tendency was facilitated by depressed market attitudes and ample product supply.

Acetic acid feedstock prices collapsed, exacerbated by oversupply. However, during the second half of the quarter, vinyl acetate prices jumped to 2192 USD/MT FOB Dalian, aided by a bullish upstream crude and naphtha market.

By pinching profits and robust demand, major adhesive makers have also saturated the market with their goods. Costs in China increased by more than 11.8 percent in the third quarter compared to the previous quarter. Prices in India were evaluated at 2623 USD/MT Ex-Hazira toward the conclusion of the quarter.


Vinyl acetate prices were high in this quarter, owing to strong market demand and limited product supply. Imports from the United States and other European regions continued to grow as freight and transportation costs continued to rise. Natural gas prices increased as a result of the Russia-Ukraine war, which had an effect on regional market pricing.

Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) was priced at 2365 USD/MT FD Hamburg in Germany in January 2022. The major VAM adhesive manufacturers increased their product pricing in their home markets. Traders began acquiring the goods in quantity, upsetting the supply/demand balance and thereby altering the price trend.

North America

In Q1 2022, vinyl acetate prices fell in the first part of the quarter due to subdued market sentiments and adequate product availability. Exports to Europe and Canada decreased as a result of the sluggish market and hoarding of inventory.

However, prices increased significantly during the second part of the quarter, reaching 2680 USD/MT FOB New York. Spot prices for the feedstock ethylene, on the other hand, increased in the absence of adequate supply due to the maximum ethane utilization in wafers.Vinyl acetate prices decreased by 6.1 percent in the most recent quarter compared to the previous quarter.

Vinyl Acetate For the Fourth Quarter of 2021


In Q4, the Asian market remained in a state of hyperinflation. In China, vinyl acetate prices reached a high of 2740 USD/MT FOB Dalian as a result of unprecedented robust trading following the holidays, which boosted market sentiments and resulted in port congestion and limited freight vessel availability.

However, with constant supply and minor imports from Taiwan, Singapore, and Saudi Arabia, a little price reduction was noted in November. VAM prices reached 2345 USD/MT Ex-Hazira on 12th November, in accordance with the upswing in demand for construction materials.


In Q4, when feedstock Benzene and Ethylene prices surged, VAM prices soared to new highs. The tight balance was also caused by a large decline in long-haul exports from Europe to the Asian market, lower cracker operations in the fourth quarter due to low profitability and logistical constraints.

Following the energy restriction, VAM prices increased as a result of the shutdown of several facilities as a result of government involvement. The polymer, adhesives, and coatings industries all experienced significant downstream demand for the raw ingredient VAM.

North America

Vinyl acetate prices in North America were reported to be on the higher end in Q4 2021 when compared to the previous quarter. For most of the quarter, supply of feedstock acidic acid and ethylene was constrained, which explains why Vinyl Acetate stayed largely in an upward trend.

The second part of December had a brief period of stability. In October, prices increased owing to a supply constraint, which kept demand high; however, over the next two months, the big players supplied adequate stock, and prices declined relatively. Downstream, the construction, paint, and coatings industries also faced significant price increases and a supply constraint of acetic acid, which harmed their operations.

Vinyl Acetate For First, Second and Third Quarters of 2021


Supplies were scarce in the first part of Q1 2021, as numerous Chinese factories remained closed for repair. However, as several factories began operations at the quarter's end, the situation improved. Vinyl acetate prices in India averaged over 1215 USD/MT during the quarter, owing to the market's significant reaction to the worldwide supply deficit.

During the first half of the second quarter, the Asia Pacific region's supply was significantly hit, with certain plants shut down in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. In June, the price FOB Shanghai was estimated to be 1929 USD/MT.

In Q3, the Asian market saw a surge in VAM pricing, owing to tight supply of the feedstock Acetic Acid and robust demand from downstream industries. Throughout the quarter, the demand-supply imbalance expanded significantly. Monthly average prices for ex-Hazira VAM were 2097.59 USD/MT in India, indicating an increase of around 246.13 USD/MT from July.


Around the quarter, supplies were scarce due to scheduled maintenance shutdowns at several plants throughout the area. Throughout the quarter, the market remained volatile due to the second COVID wave, but the European region's large immunization effort-maintained market optimism.

Supplies in the European area increased over the previous quarter, mainly to the ease with which shipments from the United States were resumed following the resumption of industrial infrastructure in the US Gulf Coast (USGC) region. Whereas Asian goods were delayed beginning in April as a result of the Suez Canal blockade.

Supplies in Europe were hampered during the third quarter, owing to delayed imports induced by the August storm Ida on the Gulf Coast of the United States. In comparison to the previous quarter, overall demand was boosted by the downstream industries. In September, the average monthly price of FD Hamburg VAM was USD 2246/MT.

North America

The region's market was constrained in Q1 2021, as some plants went offline for about two weeks as a result of sub-freezing conditions in Texas. Exports of US decreased significantly throughout the quarter, with prices settling at 1350 USD/MT FOB Texas in the final week of March.

The effect from the US freeze harmed the North American market badly in Q2, as market supply remained slow owing to a series of facility closures. Vinyl acetate prices remained optimistic throughout the quarter, with FOB Texas offers ending at 2390 USD/MT in June, about 30% higher than March 2021 estimates.

The third quarter saw a significant increase in the price of the chemical. LyondellBasell's La Porte factory in Texas was shut down in July following a chemical leak disaster. The region’s market suffered additional blow as a result of the closure. As a result of this occurrence, manufacturers were unable to keep up with demand for both the local and international markets, resulting in a quarter-long increase in prices. September FOB Texas average monthly prices were 2680 USD/MT.

Vinyl Acetate For the Year 2020


Throughout the third quarter of 2020, the frequency of plant turnarounds from Taiwan and South Korea strained Southeast Asia's total availability of shipments. Thus, vinyl acetate prices in Southeast Asia in Q3 2020 averaged roughly 807 USD/MT, owing to the product's robust demand fundamentals and scarcity.

Despite the limited supply, major manufacturers such as Celanese and Dairen Chemicals continued to run their operations at lower rates despite widespread concern of the second Coronavirus epidemic in numerous sections of the region. In Northeast Asia, downstream demand for derivatives such as ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA) and poly vinyl acetate (PVA) saw a little revival as governments recommenced commercial activity in an attempt to salvage the flailing economy.


The European market experienced significant supply constraints, largely as a result of Celanese's plant turnaround in Germany, followed by a few more brief shutdowns around the area.

With the coming of the summer season in the nation, the paints and coatings sector's demand fundamentals improved. While supply constraints were resolved by the end of the quarter, the recovery's momentum was stymied by reports of Coronavirus resurgence in several parts of the region.

North America

The fundamentals of the Vinyl Acetate market in North America remained solid, bolstered by high feedstock acetic acid prices and a series of plant outages along the Gulf coast owing to a wave of seasonal storms. Due to the fact that a large portion of the US VAM is utilized to meet worldwide demand, outages and logistical issues hampered trade activity, consequently limiting the region's export earnings.

According to Celanese Corporation, the company saw a 10% quarterly increase in demand from its largest importer China, but the gains were masked by the material's consistent availability due to the native country's high production rates.

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About Vinyl Acetate

Vinyl acetate is a colourless liquid and is the starting point for polyvinyl acetate and ethene-vinyl acetate copolymers, both of which are important industrial polymers. Its polymerization results in polyvinyl acetate (PVAc). It can be combined with other monomers to form copolymers such as ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), vinyl acetate-acrylic acid (VA/AA), polyvinyl chloride acetate (PVCA), and polyvinylpyrrolidone.

These compounds are mostly utilized in the packaging and construction sectors to manufacture glues. Paints, fabrics, and paper are all made with them. Vinyl acetate is also utilized as a food starch modification and as a coating in plastic films for food packaging. Polyvinyl acetate and polyvinyl alcohol are made largely from vinyl acetate as a monomer.

Vinyl Acetate Product Details

Report Features Details
Product Name Vinyl Acetate
Applications Solar Industry, Automotive Industry, Textile Industry, Building and Construction Industry, Packaging Industry
Chemical Formula C4H6O2
Synonyms Acetic acid vinyl ester, Ethenyl acetate, Vinyl ethanoate, Acetoxyethene, Vinyl acetate monomer, Acetic acid ethenyl ester, 1-Acetoxyethylene
Molecular Weight 86.09 g/mol
Supplier Database Arkema Group, Celanese Corporation, DowDupont Inc., Ineospec Inc., Exxon Mobil Corporation
Region/Countries Covered Asia Pacific: China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Iran, Thailand, South Korea, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Nepal, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, UAE, Israel, Hongkong, Singapore, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Australia, and New Zealand

Europe: Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy,  Spain, Russia, Turkey, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Ireland Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Romania, Finland, Czech Republic, Portugal and Greece

North America: United States and Canada

Latin America: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru

Africa: South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco
Currency US$ (Data can also be provided in local currency)
Supplier Database Availability Yes
Customization Scope The report can be customized as per the requirements of  the customer
Post-Sale Analyst Support 360-degree analyst support after report delivery

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Vinyl Acetate Production Processes

A typical vapor-phase oxidation process is used to produce vinyl acetate from acetic acid and ethylene. It is created by using a supported noble metal catalyst to catalyse the vapour phase reaction of acetic acid with ethylene and oxygen in a fixed bed tubular reactor. The reaction is carried out at temperatures ranging from 175-200°C and pressures ranging from 5 to 9 bar. Condensation and scrubbing are used to recover vinyl acetate, which is then purified through distillation.


The displayed pricing data is derived through weighted average purchase price, including contract and spot transactions at the specified locations unless otherwise stated. The information provided comes from the compilation and processing of commercial data officially reported for each nation (i.e. government agencies, external trade bodies, and industry publications).

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